Wednesday, July 12, 2006

General Update

How are ya? Good, lets get on with it. BigDog has completed the coding for the MK316 PDS and its really impressive in the editor, with huds and all to suit, and custom missiles to boot. The only problem is that the though the missiles move up and down, the players hud does not. Anyhoo, its being tweaked at the moment and i hope to skin it over lunch [ ha, ha] tomorrow, so i'll have some in-editor/game screenies tomorrow. We'll also have to sort out the AI so that the bots use this puppy effectively. Speaking of AI, Cobra is goin nuts trying to improve the AI features on the boats and weaponry. Its all done by hand, so its kinda frustrating i imagine, but thats what the learning curve is all about. He'll probably dance the funky chicken when he gets it sorted, so look forward to that, I tells ya! *edit* hud problem fixed

The M1977 is progressing nicely, and is in mid-skinning at the moment. This is a rough draft of where she is at the moment, so don't get too worried. There are still a few hours more photoshop/google image searching to do. The barrel needs to air vents too, i think, but i can add them when the skinning is complete. As for desturctive capabilities, this will be anti-infantry only, and have some slight deviation on the trajectory, as well as a relatively low, yet deadly, rate of fire. Give us a roar if you dis/agree. If it meets the approval of yourselves, we might consider creating a version for handheld use. We'll see...G'Luck, and thanks for stoppin by.

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