Saturday, September 29, 2007

BS-3 M100

This is possibly the most deadly up close and personal anti-tank weapon ever developed. Forget your wire guided nonsense, this puppy has been in business since world war II and is still to be found at the hands of most of the ak47 wielding nutters knocking around today. You know who you are, Osama & mates....

Oh this is for the bots too, much like the previous two vehicles....


Thursday, September 27, 2007

BIM-21 Grad

The Russians, it appears have been resupplying the Middle Eastern Coalition with some obsolete weapons. Quite a delivery too if you check in next week...! On a realistic note though, though the Soviets stopped producing these weapons platforms many years ago, but they are still to be found in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Eygpt, China, Chechyna, the usual crowd....
Its purpose really isnt to inflict damage, but to morally supress infantry charges and generally get everyone to keep their head down. Accuracy was not a major feature of this beast, but when 40 rockets come racing down your sightline, thats when you know that adrenaline is coloured brown.

[The wheels are not from either this or the BTR, but another vehicle yet to be revealed!evil laugh...Also the rear weapon is just there for show, the final version is much more detailed.]


Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Next time you have a look at an update of any other mod for any other game and you see a vehicle or weapon, take a note of its name and do an image search. Then compare what you're looking at and its 3D effort. Don't match up? Even remotely? Quel surprise...

As I get more experienced I find myself roaring "n00b" and other youthlike taunts at an inanimate monitor because of this laziness. I mentioned this before - it's poor research. Before I modelled this vehicle I spent hours getting good [1024 x 1280 min] images for reference and then drawing the plans, sections, and elevations in AutoCAD- then importing to 3dsMAX and began building. It was only halfway through when a detail was lacking that I resorted to Google Image Search....the last resort....really...

There I found a render of another mods same vehicle and was astonished. I had built the basic carcass and chassis of the vehicle for the same war ration budget of polygons they allowed and theirs doesn't remotely look like its supposed to. It might if you had BigDogs eyes, but I digress....
As far as I know, this is the only good looking moddable game engine that allows vehicle gameplay in a multiplayer environment since June 2005? Correct? So who hasn't upgraded even one gameplay component since then? huh? you at the back of the class, get out to the end of the room..The game and our PC's can take more punishment than was minimum recommendation 2 years ago, so lets push the game to its limit, I say.

Oh, the above vehicle is for the Bots, not us. It has two sticky mgs at the rear and one of the MEC tank mgs at the front. Don't get worried, its just another objective.....

Monday, September 24, 2007

Just a little note....

Just to let you all know that work on the update is going according to a non existant plan, but it will be an absolute belter when I get all the vehicles, aircraft and naval assets built and skinned. I have a "BOMSF Progress Report" around here somewhere that I must post up once the list of inclusions is final. Everytime I watch the history channel another idea for a crazy vehicle pops into me head and off I go to build it. The last update was on the handhelds, the next one will be on the vehicles, and this one I'm afraid, is the rather boring bit in between - but it has a purpose.

All of the assets ingame have a limit on how many polygons [how detailed roughly] a weapon building or vehicle can have. This limit is set by DICE and the BF2 game engine. We are gonna push that limit so that basic shit like wheels look less like smooth rocks, weapon scopes no longer look like they've been carved from a stick....etc etc.. So what I do is build things like wheel at a really high detail and take a snap shot of it. That snapshot of the detailed object now becomes the texture for the low detailed object, sort of like Danny DeVito and Arnie in Twins....or not. Somewhere in the middle you get a point where the player doesnt recognise whether the model looks realistic or not, they just carry on blowin stuff up. Heres a few shots of some of the vehicle wheels I've been working on. Each is for a different MEC 'thing'. All you have to do is name that 'thing' and I'll post up the finished vehicle!

Sneaky, I know.

Explosion effects, artillery sounds & explosions, whizzbys, a new map called "Poison Flow", 1 mega air asset and improving the MSG90 model have all been molested since the last update also.


p.s. congrats to Mr & Mrs. WallyJas, patron, on their recent nuptials.