Thursday, September 27, 2007

BIM-21 Grad

The Russians, it appears have been resupplying the Middle Eastern Coalition with some obsolete weapons. Quite a delivery too if you check in next week...! On a realistic note though, though the Soviets stopped producing these weapons platforms many years ago, but they are still to be found in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Eygpt, China, Chechyna, the usual crowd....
Its purpose really isnt to inflict damage, but to morally supress infantry charges and generally get everyone to keep their head down. Accuracy was not a major feature of this beast, but when 40 rockets come racing down your sightline, thats when you know that adrenaline is coloured brown.

[The wheels are not from either this or the BTR, but another vehicle yet to be revealed!evil laugh...Also the rear weapon is just there for show, the final version is much more detailed.]


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