Sunday, July 15, 2007

General Update

Ok, I've been putting off this post for a while but I have to say it. The weapon loadout that I've been working on for the mod update it pretty big - not to mention the vehicles that are to be included. The MK19 has been completely rebuilt because the first version is/was SHITE - one of my first crappy models - not afraid to say it. It'll be attached to the hummer top deck, and I have a map in mind solely for it. Weapon wise, there is the desert eagle, Uzi, Remington shotgun sst 870, Sterling, Steyr Aug, SA Grail, RKG-3, LAW, and a lot more I can't remember.

They're all built and some are in a near finish texture state - others are not even started for texturing. However, don't expect this update in the next fortnight. My house is taking all of my spare time, so it will be done when its done - around the 1st October. You're probably thinking that its a long way away given that its still July, but theres loads to be done on both my house and the weapons but it will be worth the wait.

There are also the air assets that WallyJas provided. They need to be coded, along with the mad naval assets we built. Also, Cobra managed to get the bots to lay mines and claymores, somehow! - That will have to go in methinks. Theres a whole bunch of other stuff too, and I think we're all looking forward to delivering a quality, and final update for the mod.

p.s. RedDog, If you ever push an update on the forums like this again, I'll head to the west coast of the States and throw you off whatever high horse you ride on!



Anonymous said...

Although new maps are released almost every week, I am really looking forward to the next update. Especially because of the LAW and Uzi. This will bring some memories back out of my army time. The Uzi was my personal driver as driver and I have a sharpshooter-certificate on LAW.

The quality of detail in the weapons in BOMSF is outstanding and there are not many games that host this kind of quality.

BOMSF is more than a game, it's a community. Hopefully for many many more years.

Keep up the excellent work!


Anonymous said...

Yo Bo, long time no speak mate. Great to read your update and see/hear your progress on both the mod and your house.

I just got back from getting married in Bali, awesome stuff, spent a week there before the wedding with the entire family (all 45 of them).

Looking forward to reading your next installment.
