Sunday, May 27, 2007 where was I....

Much has happened since I last posted, Mrs. Bo and I are trying to organised our wedding, and fix up "ghetto cottage", our little tincan shithole we bought a few months ago. Theres loads of other stuff going on, not to mention the 3 reinstalls of xp and 2 of vista, and a mammoth upgrade. All is nearly back to normal, just have to get the editor going and we'll have this little number doing burnouts in no time!

I'll try to do as much as I can, I'd really like to get a few of the cars that are nearly finished into the BMR mod thingy.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear mate ... sounds like things are getting serious and you'll just be reminising about your days as a modder soon. Have fun ;)

Moose357 said...

Good to hear you are busy as normal. I can understand you hurt with the reinstalls as I am in the middle of one now. Seriously though, why 5 reinstalls?

Great you have nearly finished another car, I had better get my second map finished then so we have somewhere to race it ;-)

Good luck with it all mate.