Sunday, June 22, 2008

M79 Grenade Launcher

I'm sorry, I just had to build this. Michael Herr's book Despatches inspired it. I couldn't help myself. Considering that we have the LAW, the M60, why not another Vietnam era weapon for fun! From photos I saw it would appear that some US troops in the field have reverted to it as its more accurate than the M203, so it is still valid! Plus, the actual grenade will detonate is that special BOMSF way.....



Thursday, June 19, 2008

SA7 Grail Mod 0

It would appear that the bots have Anti-Air capability.....hmmm..


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

FN P90

This will keep the stargate fans happy I've no doubt. The scope is only there for fun, I havent figured out which one is most appropriate for a P90. I'll figure it out tomorrow!


Sunday, June 15, 2008


Heres the UMP45 with an Eotech sight I finished some time ago. This is one of the many weapons that will go into the secondary weapon slot to replace the pistols. They will have a low ammo count, a high rate of fire, and short effective range - great for CQB but not much good for the large maps. So far the list includes the Desert Eagle, UMP45, Sterling SMG, FN P90, & UZI. Possibly a Scorpion to finish the list off. Post over in the forums to let me know what you'd like.



Thursday, June 05, 2008


Woops! I updated the forum but not the blog in the last few weeks. Apologies for that - it must be old age kickin in. I have loads of stuff to post, so if I get a few spare minutes on Sunday, I'll post up.
