Sunday, December 31, 2006


Happy New Year to all who pass by this desolate corner of the web. And to celebrate, I have a little render to show off. I'll get this little puppy coded tomorrow and begin work on the G11. So most of the testing and tweaking is complete on the handheld weapons, the vehicles, and some changes have been made to existing vehicles - too many to list, but you'll all be pleasantly surprised, I think.


Friday, December 29, 2006

MP5 A3

Well, I felt that the BF2 mp5 was a bit weasily, even if we increased its damage and changed its sound file, so I built a pimped out version. Tempting as it was to use the Dice version, I steered clear. Should have it skinned and coded tomorrow. ...and the EBR is ingame and performing great.


Enhanced Battle Rifle

Will be exporting and coding her this eve......

Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Very Merry Christmas to One and All.....

I'm going to be offline for a few days to catch up with family etc, but I'd like to say a big thank you to all who contributed financially, spiritually, and generally made us enjoy whats good about being part of a small, yet dedicated mod throughout 2006. The coming year will bring our most comprehensive update so far, and we hope you'll be here to experience it.

Oh, and before I go, the MK 14 is complete, without scope. Unwrapping is half way through and when I get back I'll skin and code her. And while your best wishes for 2006 were appreciated but did fuck all, next year we'd prefer alcohol or money! lol.

Friday, December 22, 2006

MK 14

Work in Progress......

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Weapons Loadout

The list!

Special Forces: H&K G11, and all the usual stuff. - Not started

Sniper: H&K MSG90A1, Pizzauto, Clays etc. - All Finished

Assault: CAR15 and M203GL, BangFlash - All Finished

Support: M60, and the usual stuff. - All Finished

Engineer: MK14 SEI EBR - Research Stage

Medic: HK 416 - Not Started

Anti-Tank: H&K MP5A3 [pimped out version] - 60% complete.

All light classes have the Spas 12 and heavy classes the Spas 12-S - Needs to be tested & tweaked. So that puts my work at about 50% complete.

Thats just the handheld weapons. The vehicle list I'll post a bit later when I know exactly whats going in/out etc.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

General update

The CAR 15 is coded and ingame. I have still to code it to utilise the grenade launcher, but that shouldn't be too weird. BigDog had a nice find too, and heres what hes got comin.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Testing in Progress

The MSG Sniper Rifle is ingame, working perfectly. Bots are kickin ass with it too, so heres a little snapshot of how she turned out. Testing phase and a few tweaks to go.

Day off for me on the 17th Dec, so don't expect any updates til tuesday!


Thursday, December 14, 2006

9mm Pizatto

BigDog's Pizatto model that was skinned a few months ago. Fast reaction weapon designed for Sniper Class. Based on the Mac10/Ingram layout.....

CAR-15 Final Skin


I'm just finishing up the skin on the CAR-15 which was posted a good while ago, so it should be ready in a few hours. In the meantime, here are a few links to some excellent websites, and where all the good photos, info, etc, come from.
Military Morons


and the best of all of them......
DeicideNBF's Weapons Gallery

*Edit* I've got to out so I won't get it finished tonight, but heres a Work In Progress, nonetheless. I'll wait until its finished before I equalise the texture.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Franchi S.P.A.S. 12 Shotgun

Wow. Twice in the one day. More tomorrow hopefully. Testing this evening.


ok, since we'll be updating whenever all the work gets finished, I might as well show you the sniper rifle I've been working on since yesterday. Hopefully it will replace the wonky M82 that the bots don't use. I'm trying to finish off all the weapons [handheld] that have been gathering dust while i was map making. enough of that....Lady and gentlemen, I present the MSG90A1[DMR] aka U.S. Marine Corps Designated Marksman Rifle.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Beowulf InGame

Beowulf Gorge

New map in progress - about 20+ hours gone into the terrain and airport/dam placement. Village is also ready. Roads are done too, but look and feel like authentic mountain tracks! overgrowth and grass to come this week, along with loads of statics to bring the map to life...!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fantan Final Skin

Heres the final skin for the new Fantan that will be in the next mod update, Dragons, silver, black and red. I'm gonna have a think about what to do with the A-10 now....

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Just a skin idea I've been foolin about with. Havent updated much - just too busy with modding and mapping! Sorry folks.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

GT40 Mk1

Need I say more........

Friday, August 11, 2006

Gone Beyond The Joke.....

Ok, so I was on the server the other night playing, and there were a lot of heroic and idiotic things going on that I felt deserved commendation and ridicule, respectively. Now Cobra told me some time ago that it is possible to integrate our own badges, ribbons, and medals into the his stats package, so I thought some more about this. There is currently no badge for shock paddling - be it friend or foe, and I thought the medics amongst you would like something to make you stand out from the crowd. I did a sketch and did up a little something in max over lunch, and I'll polish it a bit more.

The Medic Hypocritic Oath Badge -

Criteria Basic 3 Kills IAR, 3 Revives IAR.

Criteria Veteran: 50 Kills total, 6 Kills & 6 Revives IAR

Criteria Expert: 150 Kills total, 12 Kills & 12 Revives IAR

Do-able but tough. This is only a draft "score sheet" btw.

Some of you who were around some months ago may remember the various badges and ribbons that I produced prior to getting into the modding thing. There were 4 ribbons worth mentioning - Legion of Retards ribbon for Teamkilling, French Foreign Service Ribbon for Cowardice/Suicide - THE Ribbon [Chuck Norris] - 500 points IAR - and the Stevie Wonder Service Ribbon for piss poor marksmanship.

Anyways, that got me thinking about the other ones that are missing, imo, like the Hand Grenade Badge, and the Sneaky Bastard Badge for Claymores and Mines only. The Noob Cannon Award for a score of 300 or more with the Dao-12, in a round. [That one is BigDog's] The Homeland Security Badge for Flag Defends and another catchily titled number for flag capture. The Bullet Magnet Award then for the goon, like me, who dies at least 20 times in one round. Personally, I blame the Guinness.......whats your excuse for getting it...? lol.

I think theres also room for a Splatt Ribbon - Roadkills and such.
Finally then there are the Medals section. I've designed one, based on an idea over at JungleWraiths, where they award badges and medals to their members and supporters. I think this would be a nice "Thank you" to them.

Comments and suggestions on this topic - more than welcome.

So theres been quite a bit going on behind the scenes what with the Ar Ramadi Run map revisited and all, and BigDogs Interceptor going to the paint shop shortly. Someone mentioned that the bots don't like the boats, that they'd rather swim. A bit of head wrecking has gone on trying to iron out the problems with this, and it may have as much to do with the way the boats are built as it has to do with how they are coded in that goddamn f*****g son-of-bit*h editor. Hopefully the interceptor will be as exciting as is promised and a good test bed for our theories on AI. I've a lot of weapons and vehicles lying on the workbench, 80% done, and i've told myself in the strictest way, that this attitude has gone beyond the joke. No more new stuff for a while, finish whats there first. Have a chilled out weekend and wish Cobra a happy birthday on the 12th if your talkin to him..G'Luck Bo

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


hey Bo I hijacked your blog...heh heh this is BigDog just thought i would upload a few new screens of the newest naval vessel in progress...The Interceptor

Saturday, August 05, 2006

M60 Update

Well, BigDog got it coded and ingame. The bots use it, its a deadly weapon, and needs a few slight adjustments in scale, polygon count, and animations. But here it is nonetheless. Excuse the screwed up map in the background.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

If looks could kill pt 2

Scroll all the way down and start there! lol.

conversation resumed.........

Bo: Thats lookin sweet yet kinda naked. Surely the AR-15 has more stuff on it than that....?

Bo: Well, I had thought about addin some stuff, like a scope and a suppressor on the front end.

Bo: Ok, theres not much more you could add to it unless ya fancied a grenade launcher or flashlight.
Bo: Done and done, but theres yet more can go on to it. God bless the MRP.......

Bo: Looks pretty sweet. In fact it looks sweeter than a can of sweet beans from when they're having a stock clearance! Ehmmm... is this not a bit heavy for the game? Polygon wise...?

Bo: Yeah, it is. Standard weapons are soomewhere between 2500 and 3000 polygons in terms of detail. This puppy is currently running at about 6500, but I'll find a way of getting it in game sooner rather than later.

Bo: No, no, you misunderstand me. With all this stuff is the WEAPON not going to a be a bit know, grenade launchers, scopes, lights, etc. - it all adds up...?

Bo: Nah.

Its only a game.

If Looks Could Kill......

Ok. So who put a window on my world huh...? Well, now that its there, I feel, in true blogtastic style, it is my duty to offer opinions on many things I am totally unqualified on. Such as Israel Vs Lebanon. I reckon that the lebanese would kick the Israelis ass' in table tennis. Thats as far as this blog is goin to go on that stuff. Lol.

But, on another matter, such as the crucial decisions made by the BOMSF design team. You may wonder how these are made...? Behold, a vital insight into the critical inter-genius discussions that affect the content provided in the mod..........................

Bo: So Bo, I hear that you're thinking of putting one of those soppy m16-a-likes into the mod.
~Bo: Yeah, how insightful. Its called the AR-15, but its essentially a kit version of the M4,XM77, CAR-18, M16A2...etc .etc....
Bo: Have you any idea how you might start a project of this magnitude....Bo?
Bo: Well, I thought about startin with the stock m16 handle.......

Bo: Wow. thats super. remind me to give you an invite to the 3D awards.
Bo: Sarky bastard. I then decided that it needed a spec ops stock......

Bo: I can see where this is going and I likes it. ehmmmm need a

Bo: Yeah, a barrel and perhaps a sight, so you can see where the rounds are going....

Bo: ok, ok, i see where this little game of yours is fire a round it needs a CHAMBER!

Bo: fair enoughski.........but it also needs something to hold those rounds....a magazine, no doubt.

Bo: That looks like some wacko commie weapon.. wheres the love ?

Bo: I'm not done yet. It needs a barrel shield and the upper chamber works.

Bo: What? the poor bots gonna burn themselves on the barrel shield. Its a bit standard isn't it?

Bo: True. What if I gave them the Monolithic Rail Platform....

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The desert eagle that Majordump mentioned, has been drawn in CAD and ready to be modelled.

This ,left, is my personal favourite weapon, that i feel was messed up by the folks at DICE, so i'm redoing it and blinging the balls out of it! AR-15 with all the latest gadgets courtesy of those fine folks at

Theres very little that can't be added to this weapon, so i'm gonna make a lot of stuff and swap it around.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Media Blitz

I held off posting for the last few weeks so as to give peeps a chance to sample BOMSF 2.0 and get used to it. So far there is a load of new stuff on the way, but we're actively focussing on fixing some AI related issues for weapons etc. After all, that is the core component of the mod. Once we have these issues ironed out, in the next day or two, I'll issue a media blitz of the four new handheld weapons on offer, ingame shots this time and some of the vehicles. Theres been lots happening behind the scenes, and since its just me, bigdog, and cobra doing the work, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get it all done. Check back on Sunday coming for the big blitz.


Friday, July 14, 2006

Just Cause

What no post last night!? I know, I went out and got drunk - but it was all for a good cause. Two weeks ago I rented two skips/dumpsters to put all the junk in the house into. Its up for sale, so theres a lot of junk, as you can imagine. When the first one was full, I rang the company and asked them to take it away and leave me an empty one. Well, by the time they had arrived to remove the full one, it had been generously overloaded with my lovely neighbours' junk, and they refused to take it. They also began to fill the empty one. Now these things arent cheap - 140 euro a pop and they're the smallest ones you can rent. Anyway, to cut a long story short, sick of the smell outside my door, and having to pay for other peoples crap, I got rubbered last night, came home and proceeded to go through 15 or so bags of my neighbours shit. Literally. It was a big payoff though, yeilding bills, credit card statements, even holiday receipts. So if these tight bastards can't pay the 2,50 euro for a bag of rubbish, but can go the bahamas, its my duty to ensure the morals of my fellow man are not unduly corrupted. So this morning, several nasty letters in hand, I returned the property to these filthy indiviuals, including the girl in No 15, whose penchant for fetish magazines would make the balls fall off a goat. Needless to say, I'm back on track, and will never more concern myself with my neighbours shite. G'Luck

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

General Update

How are ya? Good, lets get on with it. BigDog has completed the coding for the MK316 PDS and its really impressive in the editor, with huds and all to suit, and custom missiles to boot. The only problem is that the though the missiles move up and down, the players hud does not. Anyhoo, its being tweaked at the moment and i hope to skin it over lunch [ ha, ha] tomorrow, so i'll have some in-editor/game screenies tomorrow. We'll also have to sort out the AI so that the bots use this puppy effectively. Speaking of AI, Cobra is goin nuts trying to improve the AI features on the boats and weaponry. Its all done by hand, so its kinda frustrating i imagine, but thats what the learning curve is all about. He'll probably dance the funky chicken when he gets it sorted, so look forward to that, I tells ya! *edit* hud problem fixed

The M1977 is progressing nicely, and is in mid-skinning at the moment. This is a rough draft of where she is at the moment, so don't get too worried. There are still a few hours more photoshop/google image searching to do. The barrel needs to air vents too, i think, but i can add them when the skinning is complete. As for desturctive capabilities, this will be anti-infantry only, and have some slight deviation on the trajectory, as well as a relatively low, yet deadly, rate of fire. Give us a roar if you dis/agree. If it meets the approval of yourselves, we might consider creating a version for handheld use. We'll see...G'Luck, and thanks for stoppin by.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Woohoo! there was some nonsense about 'maintenance' holding me back for a few hours, and so it was during this time that I considered writing a serious blog, as many others do, about the little squirrel that i have been watching for this many months, who has been living in my back yard, and sadly, last night, was eaten by my dirty socks. Bwaaahhaa, bwahhhaaa. Get over it. Right, lets get on with it. After much coaxing, BigDog has supplied me with some stuff he has been working on, Principally, the MK 316 PDS [ Pincher Defense System] which has both anti air and ground capabilities. Impressive stuff, I say. Much as I'd like to restrain the lad until the skinning is done, he has gone ahead and coded the thing. It now fires very big missiles at air targets and not so big missiles at ground targets.

You sit in under the big metal umbrella for protection whilst hammering away at the enemy. Sandbags a must. Other stuff - The Persian Temptress. I've spent quite a while workin on her internals, to make it gameplay special, and whatnot, so its best not to show it right now. plus, the bridge and engine room is on my work machine, and i can't get a shot of her. So I thought i'd give you a look at the main tank deck which is 200 metres long. As was said earlier, this is made up of 50 different, yet repeating components, to achieve this effect. The small little blobs you see on the lower "rat run" are the size of a BF2 player, so that'll give you an idea of its scale. Whats more, the spawn points will NOT be linear, as there will be a crashed seahawk to help in bullet dodging and whatnot. There will also be pipes down the middle and crates/containers/teddy bears to break up the "landscape". Thats all. 'Pologies for the delay in posting. G'Luck

Hey, let me know if you would like something different to whats already here. I've been thinking about the Fim-92A Shoulder launched stinger as a possible replacement of the ...........knife.! ha ha.

Monday, July 10, 2006

OCC-109 Update

I searched high and low on the 3 machines I use and couldn't find the skin I had done for me chopper. Oh, its based on a real chopper by the Orange County Choppers crew :- down at the bottom right hand corner, so I'll have to add ammo boxes and dummy weapons on to her too. Dont forget she'll be getting an extra wheel and some weapons, though i'm looking for suggestions on that score. Anyway, a big thanks to BigDog-BOM- for finding the skin for me. I didn't fancy doing all that work again. Ehhh, so here she is....

First Look - Persian Temptress

Ok, I mentioned this topic before as a really super big static for a map. For obvious reasons, it will not be a single static model, but rather many repeated components stuck together, in pretty much the same way the carrier is done. The basic idea is to have the MEC forces take over The Persian Temptress - a super tanker afloat off the gulf of oman. So black ops forces are called in to take it back. Simple ehh..? Seven spawns on the Persian Temptress and 2 on the US carrier. Sea based only, so it will save heaps of time with building bases and land. Sounds a bit lazy? It is. Helis only on the carrier and plenty AA on the tanker. Boats on both sides for transport also, but all the spawns will be capturable. The midsection of the tanker is made up of 50 various repeating units, which is done, awaiting Photoshop. The drawings for the bridge section are in progress, as i think this is where the tight close quarter combat will take place, and it'll need some serious consideration. The bow and stern will be done once all the other major components are complete. This is the repeating stair section to the the bridge/engine room. More later. G'Luck

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Another quick update on progress generally. This is the GT40, that me and BigDog talked about some time ago. The wheels are skinned and finished. The main mesh still needs work in the panel beaters, but its getting there. Most of the work thats left is the interior /cockpit of the car. You'll notice that the car is split down the middle. This is becuase the car is modelled/sculpted on one side only and is mirrored so the changes can be seen. The two halves will be welded when I'm fully happy with the overall shape of the car and its polygon count.

The body mesh is only 1742, so i can afford to add a decent bit of detail to the light wells and interior. Once all the modelling is complete the unwrapping takes place. this is where i flatten out all the faces to - like a cardboard model so I can skin it easily. Thats the other thing, the final texture. I'm thinking of racing yellow or even a development of the celtic gold and racing green you may have noticed on the Eurofighter i skinned for the boys at . When its done, i'll hand it over to BigDog to apply the code, and get her into game. We'll have 3 super racing cars then, and i know the boys have done some initial work designing a racing track map. I designed a track on the Aljazera Assault map and its pretty hairy going. You'll need to get the repair stations for a pitstop regular! Thats all for tonight. I'll let you know about this Persian Temptress business that I was working on yesterday tomorra. G'Luck

Friday, July 07, 2006

OCC-109 Update

Just found out that having built a bike and a trike for the mod, skinned it and all, I accidentally deleted the finished skins when reinstalling the mod. Fucking oops. Anyhoo, I backed up my BOMSF 1.3 onto another machine a few weeks ago, so i'm hoping theres a copy of it there. Well, here it is in all its grey naked glory.

The likelyhood of it ever getting into game as a full functional motorbike is pretty slim. BF2 doesn't do 2 wheelers so well. The trike version will allow it to work and also will have the capacity for an extra goon/bot/whoever on the back. Give said goon/bot a pair of Priests [lol] for company and off you go.

Priest M1977 MkIII Update

Another day, another hangover, and some updates. Priest MKIII has gone from sketch to 2d line drawing to initial 3d composition for scale and proportion. Heres a shot of how shes looking with the M145 optical sight riding on top.

Plenty more detail to go into it before texturing and hierachy prep, and getting it in the editor. We'll see, and anyways, i'll let ya know whats happening. a proper bipod is badly needed, methinks. I'll work some more on it next week. gonna get back to some of the vehicles. GT40 maybe...G'Luck

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Vehicles Weapons that didn't make it into 2.0

OCC-109 and OCC-110 - Orange County meets BOMSF - Bike and Trike. Weapons to be added to the trike, and the bike keeps falling over in the editor.

BigCat - Big yellow thing, that you've seen already. The priest is going to be mounted in three places on it. There will also be a few seats in the back.

GT40 - Halfway home on this one. A few more hours modelling and it will be ready for the paint shop. The wheels are already finished and skinned.

Huey UH-1C - Model is progressing nicely, but scared to try and code this.

F111- Stealth. Model form only - again, adding code to this will be a nightmare.

USS Slater - Canon Class Destroyer WW2 era. Bring back the old style destroyers from bf1942. I Have all the drawings and a physical model to work from, i just havent started it yet.

USS Carl Vinson - Aircraft Carrier. Drivable AC's really missing from the game/mod. The hull is done, but the superstructure needs to be built.

M923A1 Bigfoot. We need this to mount other weapons on. Primarily a mobile missile launcher. Gonna start this at the weekend, but it will be a slow burner. Its really detailed.

The Persian Temptress. Super large static for a map. More on that later.

and finally...scud launcher for the bots. I'm thinking of making a mobile commander asset like artillery, out of it. That way you can't just run to the enemy base and C4 their stuff. You might have to get off your lazy ass to find them. BigDog is having a look at the coding options.

I'll post images of all this stuff later on when I get home.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Priest M1977 MkIII

First up is the Priest Mounted Machine gun. No this is not a real-world weapon, but is loosley based on a Thompson Sub Machine Gun with a solid steel 8 inch barrel, about two feet long. I read an Aliens Graphic Novel years ago called "salvation" and it had this character called Priest in it who went around the galaxy bible thumpin' lonely colonies and dishing out the lords work with hot lead. This is roughly the weapon he smote them sinners with. So I'm gonna have a crack at it later on, but for now here's the sketch I did.